September 2017 News

September, 17, 2017:

  1. [NEW STUDENTS] Attend the Mech Eng Grad Orientation Day: September 20th, 2017. We'll have information regarding your benefits, courses, York U online system, MEGSA events, grad office, and more.
  2. Participate in CUPE 3903 survey (helps the union represent you on your priorities), and a Special General Membership Meeting: September 14, 1-4 pm, Norman Bethune College 320. If you work as a Teaching Assistant (TA), you are a part of this union. There are important details that govern your contract, and also about the benefits you are eligible to receive.
  3. Fill out this mini-form to help us create your profile! CLICK HERE
  4. Learn about what your MEGSA Co-Chairs are working on, so you can ask for the right information and get involved. Forward your inquiries to:
  5. We are still looking for discussion leaders at MEC-MEGSA partnership event: Mech Eng Connect, September 18th, 5:30 pm in BRG 125. Let's welcome our first year students, and help build the mentorship capacity within Mech Eng department! Please let Salman or Minha know if you can serve as a discussion leader, ASAP.


Recent events:

  1. We had a successful surprise celebration for Ruth Milton, who worked tirelessly above her required duties to solve problems that deeply affected our ability to be well and work effectively. She helped create a culture of openness, responsibility, and care in our departmental community. Thank you, Ruth! (Pictures coming soon.)
  2. Over 20 (mostly MEGSA members and our staff colleagues) of us successfully had our first camping trip in the Algonquin! A huge thank-you to Diego De Moraes for pulling together the extensive planning and organization. We had so much fun, returned feeling rejuvenated! Many stories and pictures to be shared soon!