November Updates

For November 2017:

  1. CV/Resume Workshops are being held in early December! Sign up here:
  2. Departmental Potluck is happening on Friday, November 24th! Sign up here:
  3. YUGSA has a number of bursaries and other small academic funding support available. Please find the online application forms (due December 1) on their website: 
  4. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Annual Conference 2018 will be hosted by York University. Graduate students in our department are actively involved in the Organizing Committee. If you would like to get involved, email!


Recent events:

  1. Input for the New Dean Search: Minha R. Ha (the Graduate Student Rep to the Decanal Search Committee) facilitated two consultation sessions with graduate students from EECS, Civil, and Mechnical Engineering departments (ESSE could not be arranged). The departmental GSA execs from each of these departments did a great job with the communication and organization of these sessions. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in person, and contributed amazing insights. Written feedback will continue to be collected via the survey until early January 2018:
    *The original memo from the Provost's Office can be found here:
  2. October Birthdays: Here is a photo! Thanks so much, Xueling Luo, for organizing! That was a delicious cake, by the way.